Look Who We Found

Walking the BOMA conference, we ran into this taste of the 30-person Houston contingent: Transwestern VP of property management (and BOMA/Houston prez) Brett Williams, BOMA/Houston EVP Tammy Betancourt, Transwestern general manager Joseph Hebert, and Jacobs Engineering principal Scott Jones (he’s in San Francisco these days but is a former Texan). Brett loved the chance to brag on our record market.

Westdale Real Estate's Christie Streicher and BOMA/Fort Worth's Michelle Lynn also kept the Texas spirit alive. Michelle tells us her town is buzzing with a new plaza, which has added lots of new retail and office. Meanwhile, Christie (who manages properties in San Antonio and Houston) says she went two years without any construction, so it's very nice to see cranes and tenants expanding. (In real estate mythology, the crane is a sacred bird, which signifies strength and growth.)