Connie Emmitt-Stern SVP of Investments, Resmark

Connie Emmitt-Stern originates new residential investments throughout California for two of Resmark’s funds, which total over $500M. These include luxury condos on Ocean Avenue—where developer Related Cos is currently selling units—and are prime examples of the investments Resmark seeks: infill, mostly coastal locations. Connie was a business education teacher in Ohio during the ‘80s when she decided she wanted to actually be in business, so she interviewed with real estate equity investment firm Home Capital Development Corp as an administrative assistant. What was particularly attractive about the firm was that it had many women in senior positions, she says, and Connie soon followed—the CEO promoted her within 90 days. After stints at Prudential’s equity investment business and Deutsche Bank (where she worked for the CalPERS housing program), she joined Resmark 11 years ago. Her advice: As a fiduciary, always keep your investors' interests in the forefront, set yourself apart, focus on results, ask what your company needs, learn from those who succeeded before you, and help others succeed. Connie loves spending time with her husband, Sheldon, and her Malamute, Dagwood. Although she now calls San Diego home, she says she'll never forget her roots growing up on a farm in Ohio, and the Buckeye State is still where her heart is.