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On the AIR

Los Angeles

The man in the broadcast booth speaking to a KABC 790 radio audience is AIR Commercial Real Estate Association executive director Tim Hayes. (He knows how to talk to big groups, he's a dad of 11.) Tim, a guest on Barry Burnett's weekly show Investing Insights, talked about the association's 1,600 member brokers and its newly enhanced commercial property data system.

Tim (whom we recently snapped at an AIR seminar) says entrepreneurial investors can waste a lot of time searching for properties online, but using an AIR broker (who are entrepreneurs themselves) to access credible property data can save many headaches. AIR has partnered with Xceligent on an Internet-based property data system, dubbed CDX 9.0. So far, some 120 people have categorized 137,000 properties in the LA Basin ranging from industrial to retail, including comps; Tim says the info has been scrubbed and cleaned. (So that's why we get that fresh, just-laundered scent when we look up transactions.)