4 Architects Vie For Downtown Civic Park Redesign

Designs have emerged to transform the First and Broadway Civic Park project downtown.
AECOM, Brooks + Scarpa, Eric Owen Moss, and Mia Lehrer + Associates led the four teams, along with other firms that supported the efforts.
The two-acre green space being proposed is across the street from LA City Hall. It would take up an entire block of the Civic Center, bordered by Broadway, Spring Street, First Street and Grand Park, according to Urbanize LA.
AECOM’s rendering includes a lawn in the park’s center surrounded by six groves of trees. It also consists of a restaurant, Paper Plane, and the Wingnut, which would include a gallery.
Brooks + Scarpa's proposed design includes an event center flanked by long, grassy ribbons. Shade trees and public art are also part of the proposal.
Eric Own Moss Architects proposed an underground restaurant covered by a green roof. There's also a public pavilion that could be used for events, two amphitheaters and a hide-and-seek forest.
Mia Lehrer + Associates submitted a design that would include a building that would house several restaurants as well as a beer garden. There would be tulip-inspired canopies, gardens and wooded areas as well.
All of the proposals can be viewed by the public at the LA Department of Building and Safety. [ULA]