Vicky Canto, VP of acquisitions, Karlin Real Estate
Vicky Canto is primarily responsible for the sourcing and execution of development and acquisition opportunities, but she has a background in civil engineering, starting her real estate career at Skanska USA Building as a project engineer. She worked on the planning and delivery of over $500M of institutional and commercial for clients such as Cornell, Schlumberger-Doll Research, and Beacon Capital Partners. She then joined GE Real Estate, where Vicky was responsible for the research and underwriting of $1.2B in multifamily, office and retail assets, in addition to the analysis and execution of asset disposition strategies. She's a graduate of MIT and also has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. When she's not engrossed in acquisitions activity, Vicky enjoys running. "One year, I had this crazy notion of running five half-marathons." Here she is at the finish line of No. 3.