The Best Beer Garden In The World Has Just Been Completed, And It Is In Manchester

Roll over Munich. Stuttgartters, put your lederhosen back in the wardrobe. As German cities prepare for the annual Oktoberfest beer binge, developers Allied London have unveilled what they hope is the world's best beer garden in Manchester.
Allied London launched an invite-only architectural competition to redesign Crown Square, which is part of the Spinningfield office development, in summer 2016. The aim was to create the best beer garden in the world.
The winners were Barcelona-based Arriola & Fiol.
New features of the square include a permanent stage, an outdoor bar area and several covered areas where office workers can enjoy a cheeky pint or shameless chardonnay before heading home.
“The pergola design symbolises the element of air, fostering co-existence and communication and uses a reinterpretation of traditional oast house Peg tiles for its roof," Arriola & Fiol co-founder Andrea Arriola said. "The element of earth is portrayed via the steps used to create the amphitheatre and offers security and stability to those who sit there. Finally, tectonic pavilions provide geometrical axes that emerge overhead and act as an extension of The Oast House kitchen, two new bars and a stage for musical concerts and performances.”
The Crown Square project took six months to complete.