CMBS Loan Modifications Reach $5.6B So Far This Year

More than $5.6B in loans associated with commercial mortgage-backed securities have been extended so far this year, according to a report by Trepp.
Loans tied to offices make up about 73% of the extensions, according to Trepp. Retail-associated loans were a distant second at 17%, and very few loans associated with lodging or industrial properties have been extended this year, representing about 1% each.
Thirty-seven percent of the total modifications increased the loans' terms by between one and 12 months, and 32% increased terms by 12 to 24 months, Trepp reported.
Extensions aren't typically without cost for borrowers, the report says, citing the one-year extension in June of a loan associated with 375 Park Ave. in New York as an example. The cost comes in the form of a series of principal curtailment payments, including one for $15M at the closing of the modification.
The modifications come as CMBS loan delinquencies are increasing. In August, bond-rating agency KBRA reported that the CMBS delinquency rate among the securities it rates reached 4.16% after a month-over-month jump of 23 basis points, which came after July’s 34-basis-point increase.
CMBS loans totaling $1.8B were either transferred to special servicing or became newly delinquent in August, KBRA reported. Loans associated with office properties continued to suffer most, with $762.3M of office loans accounting for 41.4% of the newly delinquent and specially serviced loans.