What Goes Into Worker-Friendly Office Space
What makes a good workspace—one that helps attract talented workers? The question isn't new, but there's plenty of new thinking about it.

JLL's Kevin McDowell, SVP for project and development services in the company's Southeast region, tells us that there's nothing that fits every situation or company, but in general great workspaces include some combination of a number of features. They include access to natural light as workers move through the office, open work zones that foster collaboration and connection, and places where people can work privately.
Recently Schneider Electric, a specialist in energy management and automation, tasked JLL to provide project management services for its new office space at Two Franklin Park in Franklin. JLL will work with Schneider Electric staff to build out about 150k SF to 175k SF of the building.

Kevin adds that areas that "enhance the bump-in factor" are important to encourage collaboration. But so is design that addresses the biggest challenges to the open work plan: visual and sound privacy. Finally, he says, design should connects and reinforce the culture and brand of the company to employees and guests alike.
Schneider, HQ'd in Rueil-Malmasion, France, employs about 1,500 people in the Nashville area. Its local operations includes the Square D brand, an electrical equipment manufacturer based in Smyrna.