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Hottest Hotel Concept?

Hottest Hotel Concept?


NEW YORK The last time you stayed in a hotel room, how much space did you really use? Probably not much, especially in a city with lots to do. Thats what gave birth to The Pod Hotel, which offers small rooms 70 SF to 90 SF for a steal compared with typical hotel rooms.We met with managing director David Bernstein at the 366-key Pod 39 Hotel, the hoteliers second location that opened last summer. He says the brand is ready to launch in Boston, Chicago, DC, and LA over the next few years.It's also a concept he'd eventually like to bring to multifamily.


David and Richard Born first opened The Pod 51 Hotel in 07. NYCs underserved in budget rooms, so it was lucrative, he says: We felt more people were willing to spend $100 per night versus $200. For the economics to work, a building needs a vibrant city and 250 rooms or more. The small size is not for everyone, he concedes, but rooms still have plenty of amenities. Its popular among those who just use the room to sleep and shower, particularly the 19 to 35 set. When you're not in your room, you can mingle with other guests through the hotel's social network, in the bar and restaurant downstairs (and rooftop at Pod 39), or simply quiz the idea-filled concierge on how to paint the town.

Related Topics: Richard Born, 70 SF, The Pod