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The Fabulous Real Estate Of George Lucas

    George Lucas is well-known for being the genius behind Star Wars and the Indiana Jones series, but lesser known is his awesome real estate. After years of success, along with selling Lucasfilm to Disney four years ago for more than $4B, Lucas has more than enough cash to fund his unbelievable real estate assets—and fund them he has.

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    Skywalker Ranch

    Welcome to the famous Skywalker Ranch, workplace of George Lucas. Not a bad place to work, right? Over the years this property has cost Lucas up to $100M, and of the 4,700 acres only 15 have been developed.

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    Ewok Lake

    Surprisingly, Ewok Lake is part of those 15 developed acres—it's man-made. But it certainly doesn't hurt the scenery, and neither does the property's extensive system of parking lots, which are all cleverly hidden underground so as not to take away from the ranch's scenic beauty.

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    The Stag

    If George and his editors want to check out their latest film they don't need to watch it on their MacBook Pros—Skywalker Ranch is complete with a 300-seat theater dubbed The Stag. On top of that there are several smaller theater screening rooms, since watching a movie by yourself in a huge empty theater is sad, but still sort of cool.

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    San Anselmo

    Despite the persistent belief by fans that Lucas lives at Skywalker Ranch, he actually lives next door in the small town of San Anselmo, CA. He moved into an old Victorian house after getting some cash from American Graffiti—and later wrote the Star Wars script there.

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    Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

    While this one is still in the works—and its location has been the subject of much drama—the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will hold a selection of artwork, everything from paintings, photography, digital art and cinematic art. Lucas is quite an art connoisseur, and this museum will allow him to share that love with his fans and art enthusiasts.

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