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Look Out For The Fed Events This Week


All eyes are on the Federal Reserve as it gets ready for a historic event in NYC on Thursday: the first time the four living Fed chiefs will speak together on a public stage.

Fed chair Janet Yellen will be joined by predecessors Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke, who will take part in an informal panel moderated by CNN's Fareed Zakaria.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday we’ll hear from four voting members (not to be confused with the four living Fed bosses) of the Federal Open Market Committee when minutes from the March meeting are released. 

Investors will take notice, according to Wells Fargo’s senior economist Sam Bullard, who wrote: “Indeed, investors will be paying close attention to the evidence that led all officials to cut their median interest rate projections in 2016 from four hikes to two.” [BI]

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