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Major Players Are Worried About The Market, But Say Not To Be Too Hasty In Selling Out


Everyone from Jeffrey GundlachBill Gross (pictured) and Donald Trump to the experts at Goldman Sachs are telling us about the increasing risks of stocks and bonds—but is it riskier to get out than to stay in?

Market timing can be tricky, and investors face several risks when exiting the market out of fear, Bloomberg reports. One of the main problems is deciding when to re-enter—skittish investors tend to sell when things look bad, but then miss most of the market’s rebound before they buy again. In the interim they're left sitting on cash with few alternative investment options

For those of you thinking of exiting the stock market, experts suggest using interactive tools to help determine whether that'd be the best option before making a hasty decision. Vanguard Group has a tool that lets you see how a $10k investment would do after a certain percentage drop and gain in the market. All in all, experts say to think before you leap, because historical trends suggest itchy fingers make bad investments. [Bloomberg]