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CRE Hiring Made Easier With SelectLeaders’ Revamped Website


When it comes to hiring, employers and candidates may spend a substantial amount of time in back-and-forth communications, from initial outreach to final decision. The longer a company takes to schedule multiple interviews and assess candidates at each step of the process, they risk losing out on the right top talent. 

Having a smoother hiring process means employers can get the right top talent on their team faster, and candidates can know where they stand with a company and continue their search if necessary.

Commercial real estate recruiting firm SelectLeaders has spent nearly three decades equipping employers with strategic hiring resources and helping experienced CRE candidates advance their careers in the industry. While recruiting firms help companies connect with qualified candidates, they may not understand the intricacies of CRE asset classes and industries like SelectLeaders does.

Armed with data and insight into the industry’s job trends, with a specific focus on data over the last five years, the company concentrates on removing pain points for candidates and employers in the hiring process. 

SelectLeaders launched a new website to address these needs and create a seamless experience to provide greater efficiency and transparency throughout the hiring process for both sides.

The website’s applicant tracking software will enable employers to manage the applications they receive for a specific role, according to Jermaine Frazier-Collins, customer success associate at SelectLeaders. Even if a company passes on a candidate, it can save their application to be considered for future roles. On the candidate side, they can see when an employer has viewed their application and check the status of their applications.

This technology helps eliminate the uncertainty of the hiring process, something many candidates express frustration over, SelectLeaders Product Director of Technology Ray Miranda said.

“Both employers and candidates need to know where the other stands in order to move forward,” Miranda said. “Employers can send correspondence efficiently with preloaded templates. Even if it’s not the right fit, candidates can go forth with their job search without feeling like they have gotten lost in a black hole of applications.”

Companies can build a profile on SelectLeaders that will serve as their “career center.” The profile enables businesses to provide top talent with CRE-informed insight into what they can expect from the company and the open role.

Companies can also share more about their mission, vision and brand, post about the positions they’re hiring for and include a frequently asked questions page on topics such as salary information and benefits. 

If different departments in the same company are hiring, they can be included as separate members under one company profile, Miranda said. Each member can manage their own postings, allowing candidates to ensure they are reaching the right person. 

“Having a seamless internal communications process within an employer’s organization helps to keep things moving within the hiring process,” Frazier-Collins said. 

Employers can also enable a one-click application process on their profile so that candidates can submit quickly. Before submitting, candidates can build their own profiles and create multiple résumés tailored to particular companies or roles, Miranda said.

For SelectLeaders, ensuring a smooth hiring experience means giving employers and candidates a section in their profile for viewing submitted applications.

“Candidates are submitting a large number of applications, so it can be challenging to keep up with what company and role you applied for, when you applied or if you've heard back,” Miranda said. “Our new candidate dashboard helps centralize and streamline managing your job search so you’ll have insight into which companies you’ve heard back from or not.”

SelectLeaders’ relaunch helps ensure better integration with Bisnow and Biscred, Miranda said. That capability enables the company to cross-promote Bisnow events, provide candidates with greater access to networking opportunities and assist in putting employers and their job opportunities in front of candidates seeking their next career move.  

SelectLeaders continues to work on building its resources and tools to help create meaningful connections throughout the hiring process, Miranda said. 

“By building a more modern and powerful website, we are not only addressing current friction in the job application process from both ends but are preparing for the next generation of talent coming into the CRE workforce,” Miranda said. “Our site hosts roles across all sectors of the industry from coast to coast, and we’re helping connect great employers with qualified talent daily.”

SelectLeaders helps bring employers and top talent together to fill open roles. Visit the SelectLeaders website to learn more about how executive recruitment can help.

This article was produced in collaboration between Studio B and SelectLeaders. Bisnow news staff was not involved in the production of this content.

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