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7 Thrilling Activities In Unexpected Places

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From malls to hotels, the commercial real estate industry offers some unique amenities to attract new visitors and keep them coming. Check out some fun activities available in some more unusual locations:

Skydiving On A Cruise Ship

From ice skating to surfboarding and a robot that will mix drinks, cruise ships have been offering some crazy onboard amenities for years. Royal Caribbean has gone one step further by offering onboard skydiving from iFly. Using a wind turbine, thrill-seekers can float in the air and feel like they are skydiving without jumping from an airplane.

Whitewater Rafting In London

Just outside of metro London, Lee Valley White Water Centre offers visitors an opportunity to ride an Olympic whitewater rafting course. The center was built as part of the London 2012 Olympics and opened in April 2011. Its first year it attracted 155,000 visitors and generated £2M. Visitors can ride the Olympics course, go tubing or hydrospeeding, which is basically whitewater rafting without the raft. 

Skiing In The Summer

Winter sports enthusiasts need not wait until winter to hit the slopes. A year-round course at Virginia’s Liberty University allows visitors to partake in skiing, snowboarding and tubing down a 5,000-acre mountain. Riders can practice tricks and aerial maneuvers any time of the year. 

Year-round skiing is becoming a popular amenity. P3 Advisors will add a year-round snow complex as part of a 65-acre mixed-used project in Colorado’s Castle Rock. In Northern New Jersey, Triple Five Group is building a 3M SF American Dream shopping and entertainment complex that will include the country’s first indoor ski slope

Surfing In A Mall

Ziplining Along The Las Vegas Strip

Tourists can take to the skies for a bird’s-eye view of Las Vegas’ bright lights through several zipline experiences. Slotzilla, which is the world’s largest slot machine, offers visitors a ride that reaches up to 40 mph from over 10 stories above the Fremont Street Experience. VooDoo Zipline launches riders from the VooDoo Lounge, which sits atop Rio’s 50-story Masquerade Tower. Travelers hit speeds of up to 33 mph during their ride, which lasts a little over one minute. Fly Linq, a third zipline, is expected to open in 2018 and will span above Linq Promenade.

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