Letter From the Publisher: Bisnow Revolution
Not long ago, we were pioneers in e-newsletters—back when many said folks would never read 'em. (Hope we're not the reason you're no longer finding any time to think.) Well, we're ready for our next challenge.

Behind the curtain, we hope, is the edgiest and most advanced and integrated approach to technology, content, and commerce in the trillion dollar B2B media space. Starting today, we're planning to roll it out for you. It won't all happen overnight—just as our first newsletters didn't even, ahem, have pictures. But as you all know from your own businesses, things can evolve quickly if you're determined to listen to your customers, experiment, and push the envelope. Or if, like a few other members of the commercial real estate community, you're just ADD.

All right, we're breaking down and giving you a sneak peek, but please don't show anyone else, especially at Business Insider or BuzzFeed because we don't want them to feel sad they're out of date. Let's just say you'll be able to check out news throughout the day on our all-new website on desktop or mobile, browsing by city or topic or most read stories. You'll find new types of content only appearing on the site that are a little more educational than our usual offerings, though we hope equally quick to read, like "Everything You Need to Know about EB-5 Financing," or provocative slideshows (sneak peak in next article), quizzes, listicles, and interactive maps. Our Bisnow artists are adding color and drawings—goodness, they've even changed the logo. In short, and using current lingo, what they and our techies have tried to do is create a "platform," from which you can springboard into many levels and directions.

You'll be able to check out events and speakers more efficiently. Sign up for a website account using your subscriber email address to access other features. You can save credit cards and buy education videos (soon event tickets) without needing to fill out the same information each time. You can manage your email preferences, both for newsletters and events (for example, if you feel you're not getting enough event blasts).

But the one old-fashioned constant you'll find is our creed. (Now that we bought and installed those big letters, it was simply too expensive to change.) So join us in our continuing journey, and feel free to write us at feedback@bisnow.com, or if you are one of those impatient broker types, click the live chat box in the bottom righthand corner of the new site.
Hope you enjoy,
Mark Bisnow
Publisher and First Banana, Bisnow