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Light It Up: New Legal Marijuana Facility Could Save Illinois

National Other

There's a budding industry in the little town of Albion, IL. Literally. Since Illinois is one of 23 states with medical marijuana, Chicago-based distributor Ataraxia chose the historic community of 1,900 people to build a center.

The new warehouse, which will turn cannabis into medicine in the form of oils, edibles and creams, will also provide much-needed employment and economic stimulation, from construction to operation. CEO George Archos hopes to hire up to 60 workers and sees the new warehouse as a way to diversify the community's employment.

The facility is on a former cornfield, which was bought from local developers for $5k an acre at a 50% discount. The city paid to build a road and extend water and sewer lines.

"It's brought life to our little town," resident Cheryl Taylor says about the new facility. [The Southern]