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Netflix Show Partners With Hundreds Of Coffee Shops For Pop-Up Event

National Retail

Put your cellphones away, turn those baseball hats backwards and prepare yourself for all the Luke's Diner references. The television show Gilmore Girls—which premiered on The WB (now the CW) on this day in 2000—has partnered with hundreds of coffee houses around the US and Canada for a day of free joe themed to the show's Luke's Diner.

The pop-up shops are a marketing campaign to breed excitement about the show's revival four-part series premiering on Netflix next month, and it's working like a charm. 14 locations in Texas, including five in DFW, four in Austin and three in Houston, started serving up Lorelai and Rory's drug of choice (caffeine, obviously) for free at 7am.

Many of the shops (OK, most) are reporting lines wrapped around the building. Coffee will be served until noon—or until the shops run out of the branded cups and sleeves. The pop-up Luke's Diners took on varying levels of authenticity with cup insulators bearing the Luke's logo, employees dressed as the diner owner and the iconic "No Cell Phones" sign.

After all, where Luke's coffee leads, Gilmore Girls fans will follow. Now oy, with the poodles already!

Catch all the Gilmore Girls references in this post? Email and tell her she's not the only one.