Walmart Ends Q1 As Amazon's Primary Competitor

Walmart experienced its fastest period of online sales growth in five years during Q1, giving e-commerce king Amazon a run for its money.
Walmart’s e-commerce business sold 69% more goods online in Q1, and total revenue advanced 1.4% to $117.5B, Bloomberg reports. Experts said the explosion in online sales traces back to the company’s $3.3B acquisition of last year and Walmart’s aggressive steps to enhance its online marketplace, which now offers 50 million items as opposed to the 35 million available last quarter.
"All of a sudden, Wal-Mart is the primary competitor to Amazon, as opposed to a fragmented cluster of people," A.T. Kearney partner Greg Portal told Bloomberg.
While Walmart’s online sales growth is a Q1 success story, the company also grew U.S. same-store sales by 1.4% to narrowly beat analyst projections.