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Your Next Museum Visit Could Change

National Tech

At museums, there isn't much tech. (We assume people wearing headphones at the Smithsonian are either doing walking tours or listening to Pictures at an Exhibition. We're naive.) So Brivo Systems and its social access management business unit, Brivo Labs, are holding a three-day hackathon and charrette this week that ends with a 12-hour session on Sunday with the Corcoran College of Art + Design. The mission is to find ways to bring more technology to the museum experience. Brivo Labs GM Lee Odess (wearing glasses) says 15 Brivo developers and 15 Corcoran exhibition designers and interior designers will unite for Hack the Box: Re-Programming the Museum Experience. The event’s charter is that whatever is dreamed up, actually has to be created.


Lee says he envisions more customized museum experiences. Perhaps a mobile app could direct people to a certain exhibit based on their personal attributes. As a company, the benefit of working with the Corcoran exhibition designers and interior designers is that Brivo Labs will have a better sense of the museum industry and can turn it into a target customer. Lee says the experience will also give Brivo developers a better understanding of design. And the event will also feed Brivo employees’ curiosity about another dominant DC-area community. 

Related Topics: Brivo Labs, Corcoran College