One-Fifth Of The World's Jobs Could Soon Be Taken By Robots
An influx in the use of automation and robots could leave one-fifth of global workers at risk of losing their jobs by 2030.

This means an estimated 800 million people could be displaced in the coming years if automation and technology continue to advance as rapidly as they are now, Bloomberg reports.
Workers most likely to be affected by this technology are those within the fast-food industry, back-office employees and machine operators. A study conducted by Oxford University academic Carl Benedikt Frey said that 80% of jobs in transportation, warehousing and logistics, and 63% of jobs in sales are at high risk of automation
A separate study conducted by McKinsey & Co. reports that no location will be immune to the changes. Residents across the globe in both developed and emerging countries will experience the transition to automation.
One industry likely to benefit from the trend is the construction market. Labor shortages have wreaked havoc on the construction sector for some time, leading developers to turn to solutions such as modular construction in order to cope with the shortage without displacing workers.