Noise Monitoring System Lets Landlords Remotely Monitor Rental Units
Two men have joined together in the fight against intolerable noise with what could be the world's most discrete and effective chaperone.
Real estate entrepreneur Dave Krauss along with his partner, Andrew Schulz, a software programmer, have created what they are calling “a smoke detector for noise,” Fast Company reports.

NoiseAware is a noise monitoring system that uses decibel sensors that plug into the wall and connect to WiFi in order to detect rising noise levels. While the software is always listening, renters and residents can speak freely without fear of being monitored. The device does not pick up on speech or language, only noise levels.
Krauss first had the idea to create NoiseAware after receiving a noise complaint from the neighbors of a short-term rental unit he managed. Rather than risk repeating the incident, he decided he needed to find a better way to keep tabs on his properties and avoid uncomfortable encounters with lawyers in the future.
The monitoring system, which launched about a year ago, is being marketed primarily to property management companies that are having trouble keeping a direct eye, or in this case ear, on individual units within their buildings.
If noise levels grow above an appropriate level, landlords are alerted via text message, allowing them to put an end to any raucous party before it gets too out of control.
CORRECTION, AUG. 20, 5:51 P.M. ET: A previous version of this story did not properly describe the work experience of NoiseAware founders Dave Krauss and Andrew Schulz. The story has been updated.