Trump To Meet With Tech Leaders And Talk Job Creation, Cash Repatriation

President-elect Donald Trump will meet with some of America’s largest tech leaders on Wednesday—from Amazon's Jeff Bezos to Tesla's Elon Musk—to discuss several issues, not least of which will be one of Trump's biggest agenda items: US jobs.
Though it's likely Trump will mention the repatriation of offshore cash, considering tech companies hold hundreds of billions overseas, the New York Times reports, the main focus will be jobs. American tech firms have created enormous wealth in recent years, but they employ few people in only a handful of places around the country. One of Trump’s advisers, tech investor Peter Thiel, plans to change that. While how is still a question, Peter will be talking to the right people to make it happen—everyone from Timothy Cook with Apple and Alphabet’s Larry Page will be there, but two notable absences are Airbnb and Uber. Both companies received invitations but aren’t showing up. [NYT]