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New York (E)State Of Mind

New York

New York (E)State Of Mind

From the City That Never Sleeps, meet the students who never sleep. Weve canvassed NYs real estate programs searching for the most promising grads on market.

Kate Crosby tells us that she's a "being of two minds," a description that more readily conjures up images of a mythological Greek monster than a new hire at Spear Street. As much as the recent Columbia B-School grad enjoys poring over spreadsheets, like she did last summer at Boston's Beacon Capital, she channels her inner muse nearly as often. Kate headed the industry agnostic Innovation and Creativity Club this year, hearkening back to her days as a design-loving architecture undergrad at UPenn. Four years working at ColumbiaNational culminated in her decision to earn her MBA at Columbia, one of very few programs with an RE concentration.

While most NYers stayed inside during Sandy, recent grad Richard Barga from NYU's Shack Institute surveyed hurricane damage on Coney Island's front lines. His background working in the Ohio (his home state) government's disaster relief department led Richard to coordinate volunteer efforts by 60 NYU students and eventual publication of his recommendations for damage cleanup and recovery. Shacks grad speaker and student council VP, Richard interned this semester in portfolio management at Empire State Development Corp. and will work in local community development for a few years. Eventually, though, he'll return home, where he dreads lack of access to Manhattan's biggest perk: good Chinese food.