The Party Circuit

At The Shopping Center Group party on Sunday night at Providence near Columbus Circle, we snapped Vornado's Sherri White and SCG Retail's David Firestein. He tells us Manhattan and Brooklyn are extremely active; SCG client Whole Foods will open in Park Slope next month, and the company has done several new deals with clients in Williamsburg.

David's colleague Jordan Cohn (right, with Goodman Real Estate's Richard Edelman) tells us 2014 shows signs of topping a spectacular '13. SCG Retail is exclusive metro-area rep for tenants like Starbucks, Whole Foods, REI, Staples, and Papyrus (use the REI gear to find your favorite tree... then go to Papyrus to see what it looks like turned to paper). And Jordan reps Bobby's Burger Palace (as in Bobby Flay) nationally.