Architect Releases Plans For Man-Made Island In The Hudson

New York architect Eytan Kaufman has drawn up a whimsical vision of a man-made island in the Hudson that would serve as a final destination for travelers on the High Line.
Eytan’s Hub on the Hudson proposal would cover nine acres and be adorned with five pyramidal buildings containing an art center, restaurants and public spaces, 6sqft reports.
A reflecting pool would sit in the middle of the island, while a circular, elevated walkway would ring the space and connect back to the High Line via a pedestrian bridge.
The project is reminiscent of Barry Diller's proposal to build a floating park in the Hudson just a few blocks up.
The proposal was neither solicited by the city, nor is it likely to ever get built, but it does call attention to the under-utilization of much of the waterfront area along that stretch of Midtown.
Once Hudson Yards begins to take shape, it seems only natural that developers, the city and other interested parties will probably take a second look at the space. [6sqft]