Atlas Real Estate Partners' Arvind Chary Tells You Why You Should Attend Covenant House's Sleep Out

As the co-founder of a value-add, private real estate investment firm, Atlas Real Estate Partners’ Arvind Chary (pictured, center, with Rialto Capital VP Jeremy Griffin, Novel Property Ventures principal Andrew Miller and TOWN Residential managing director Ari LeFauve) is always on the move and has a lot on his mind. But that doesn’t mean he can’t take time out of his day to help others.
He, along with Kensington Vanguard’s Matt Schmeelk and Bisnow’s Miles Bloom, dedicates a large amount of time serving on the board of the Covenant House's Real Estate Sleep Out and will be participating in the third annual Sleep Out this Thursday.
Arvind and Matt participated in the Covenant House's Executives Sleep Out in 2012, where the two endured the freezing November rain.
“It was extremely uncomfortable, and it opened my eyes to how lucky I am to be able sleep every night in a warm bed,” he tells Bisnow.
The two quickly realized that the real estate industry meshed perfectly with Convenant House’s mission. After all, Arvind says, "real estate owners and operators should be supporting a cause that provides shelter for homeless youth."
Thus, the two set out and created a Sleep Out solely for the real estate community.
Much like Matt and Miles, Arvind says he was inspired and greatly impacted by the Covenant House residents, who were often put into difficult situations out of their control, but had the strength and intelligence to recognize a bad situation, break away and try to get themselves on the right path.
With homelessness becoming a more prominent issue in NYC and the US every day, Arvind says the real estate industry needs to help these youth gain the tools and self-sufficiency they’ll need to be successful adults.
Plus, he says, what better way to build your network than at a meeting of like-minded individuals gathered for a great cause?
You can learn more about the Sleep Out here.