Domino Sugar Factory Redevelopment Tops Out 16-Story Resi Building

Site E at Two Trees Management’s redevelopment of the Domino Sugar Factory in South Williamsburg topped out yesterday. Located at 325 Kent Ave, the 16-story residential building, designed by SHoP Architects, is expected to cost $200M and will bring 500 rental units to the market, 105 of which will be affordable. The marketing of the affordable units will begin in January, and residents will begin moving in next summer, Two Trees says.

Two Trees’ full plan for the Domino site includes a new esplanade and more than six acres of new parkland that will connect South Williamsburg to the waterfront. The Refinery building will be reactivated, tripling Williamsburg’s commercial space. Two Trees is also promising more than 2,800 units, 700 of which will be affordable. Totaling 600k SF of office space and 200k SF of community and retail space, the redevelopment’s expected to take six to eight years to complete.
The original refinery was built in 1856, and by 1870 it processed more than half of the sugar used in the US. It was also the spot of the longest labor strike in NYC history, with more than 250 workers protesting wages and working conditions for 20 months in 2000. The factory stopped operating in 2004, after running for 148 years, and was given landmark status in 2007.