Do You Have The Most Festive Office In NYC? Prove It!

As soon as Santa Claus showed his bearded mug at the end of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, the holiday season began. Ahead of us lie four weeks of stressful gift buying, more awkward family dinners and the unceasing tolling of Salvation Army bells.
On the other hand, the holiday season does lighten up the office culture a tad. Not only do you have office parties to look forward to, but most offices will spruce the scenery up to mitigate the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder. But everything in the real estate industry has to be a competition, and that's why we're holding a little contest. Think you have the most festive office in all of NYC real estate? Prove it by sending pics (including photo credit) and a quick summary to Ben Mazzara by Dec. 15. The winners will be included in a slideshow for all to see.