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5 Famous NYC Irish Bars for St. Pat's

    5 Famous NYC Irish Bars for St. Pat's

    Don't act like you're going straight home after work today. It's St. Patrick's Day. We can't promise these five spots will have green beer tonight, but we can promise they're among the best Irish bars in town.

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    1. McSorley's Old Ale House

    1. McSorley's Old Ale House

    Address: 15 E 7th St

    Established: Only one place gets the title of oldest Irish tavern in NYC, and this is it. It's been around since 1854, according to the owners (although city records say the site was vacant from 1860-61). Either way, the place lives up to its motto: "We were here before you were born." 

    Known for: Being a boys' club of sorts. The place was only opened to women in 1970 after a lawsuit brought by the National Organizan for Women. 

    Famous patrons: It's a long list spanning the ages that is said to include Abe Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Boss Tweed and Hunter S. Thompson.

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    2. Annie Moore's

    2. Annie Moore's

    Address: 50 E 43rd St

    Established: 1983

    Known for: The pub was in the news recently after SL Green announced it would buy out the owners and demolish the building to make way for the new One Vanderbilt mixed-use tower. 

    Named for: Annie Moore, an Irish immigrant said to be the first to pass through Ellis Island after it opened in 1892. 

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    3. Molly's Shebeen

    3. Molly's Shebeen

    Address: 287 Third Ave

    Established: 1960

    Known for: Often reffered to as the most authentic Irish bar in the city

    Named for: The current owners, who bought it in 1991, changed the name from Molly Malone's to Molly's Shebeen, a term once used to refer to unlicensed pubs in Ireland. (We're pretty sure this Shebeen's got all its paperwork together, don't worry.)

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    4. McGee's Pub

    4. McGee's Pub

    Address: 240 W 55th St

    Known for: It's the inspiration for "MacLaren's Pub" on the TV show How I Met Your Mother. 

    On the menu: There's a whole "H.I.M.Y.M. Dinner Specials" section, and show-themed cocktails.

    Famous patrons: Show creators Carter Bays and Greg Thomas were regulars when they worked as writers for the Late Show with David Letterman. Members of the How I Met Your Mother cast have also been known to drop by. 

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    5. P.J. Clarke’s

    5. P.J. Clarke’s

    Address: 915 Third Ave

    Established: 1884

    Prime real estate: In 1967, Tishman Realty & Construction wanted to pay $1.5M for the building and tear it down to build what's now 919 Third Ave. The owner also owned a mid-block building, which he wouldn't sell unless the bar and its original home stayed. 919 Third Ave might otherwise take up the whole block from 55th to 56th streets. 

    Famous patrons: According to the bar's website, Jackie Kennedy, Dick Clark and Frank Sinatra were all regulars.

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