Execs Raise $220k Ovenight to Help Homeless

At Thursday night’s Sleep Out at Tenth and 41st, we snapped Witkoff Group’s Brett Mufson, DDG’s Will Kluczkowski, Atlas Real Estate Partners’ Arvind Chary, Kensington Vanguard’s Matt Schmeelk, Angelo Gordon’s Danny Rudin, and Convene’s Ryan Simonetti. Arvind and Matt arranged the event, where more than 100 real estate execs slept outside to raise awareness and $220k and counting for Covenant House, which serves homeless youth. Danny pulled in the biggest haul, raising $21k solo. Donations are still being accepted here.

And here's Bisnow's Miles Bloom (flanked by Arvind and Meridian Capital's Marko Kazanjian). Miles says the kids stories about how they became homeless are eye-opening, especially because none of the youth he met became homeless through any fault of their own. Bisnow's Michael Weiss, who also participated, says that for all the millions of square feet these real estate execs build and finance, it's tough to imagine a person not even having 100 SF to live in. He also says real estate folks are who they are and stayed up until 2:30am networking.