Real Estate Execs Sleep Out to Fight Homelessness

World Class Capital Group’s Sheena Paul, who left Skadden Arps to open her Austin-based company’s NYC office last year, is among 100 real estate execs who’ll sleep outside next Thursday, Oct. 9, to raise money for Covenant House, which supports homeless youth. The Sleep Out is a great chance for real estate execs to band together to raise awareness, she says. (Click here to help Sheena raise money for the cause!)

World Class Capital has assets in 12 states from California to Florida but hasn’t broken into the East Coast yet. A New York office allows the company better access for debt and equity relationships, as well as a recruitment advantage, she says. Recent acquisitions are a six-property self-storage portfolio and a 101k SF self-storage property in Houston, an 87k SF self-storage property in Columbus that it plans to expand by 25k SF, and a 20k SF development parcel in Uptown Dallas, as well as the city’s 844k SF KPMG Centre (above).