Why Your Buildings Need Art

You spend millions on artwork for your lobbies and communal areas, and many people barely glance at it. So why bother? We wanted to gather an artists’ perspective on why art plays a vital role in your buildings.

NYC artist O O—pictured above with artist Hulbert Waldroup (right) and Bisnow CEO Will Friend (center)—says that building owners need to realize “artwork helps build a corporate and personal identity.”
A recent trend in New York, for example, is the surge in Millennial art buyers with deep pockets. O says many of his clients come from TAMI companies (technology, advertising, media and information).
“These buyers are looking for pieces that stir them emotionally and make them feel a sense of fulfillment,” he tells Bisnow.

Case in point: Bisnow’s NYC HQ is decked out with some of O’s very own creations. This piece—a 4’ x 4’ metallic work titled "King of the World"—was picked by Bisnow’s staff in a poll. According to O, companies like ours like this piece because it’s “perfect for such a disruptive, up-and-coming company.” Snapped: Bisnow VP of sales Mike Ponticelli.

The crown—a signature of street artist Jean-Michel Basquiat—frames a map of the world, conveying a strong message about growth.

“If the work of a former penniless street artist now trades across the globe for millions of dollars,” O says, “anyone—or any company, for that matter—can grow to conquer the world.” If you’re interested in learning more about this artist, please contact Joseph Franco at joseph.franco@bisnow.com. Snapped: O's art on display at Bisnow's Future of Lower Manhattan event, held Thursday at 180 Maiden Lane.