Bloomberg's Next Project

Yesterday, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Institute for Market Transformation, and former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg announced the City Energy Project. The goal, according to NRDC president Frances Beinecke: Cut emissions by seven million tons per year, create jobs, and save money by sharing ideas. The 10 cities that form the club are Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Orlando, Philadelphia, and Salt Lake City. Bloomberg Philanthropies, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and Kresge Foundation will fund it with $1M each for three years. Bloomberg says New York is the opposite of most US cities, emitting most greenhouse gases (75% to 80%) from buildings rather than transportation. Still, half the 5,000 landlords have converted from the super dirty No. 6 heating oil to cleaner fuel, and carbon emissions from buildings are down 19%.