Throughout the United States and worldwide, Pillsbury Real Estate lawyers advise market-leading clients on transactions and development projects of every kind involving all asset classes.
Offering deep market knowledge, a coast-to-coast U.S. presence, with global reach, Pillsbury is one of the few firms with the size and geographic footprint to handle the full range of real estate assignments, from multijurisdictional portfolio transactions to single-asset deals in local markets. As needed for specific projects, our Real Estate lawyers build teams to include our firm’s construction, insurance advisory, project finance, litigation, tax, environmental, labor and employment, and bankruptcy practice lawyers to assure comprehensive streamlined service. Beyond handling complex transactions and advising on development projects, we are highly experienced in public-private partnerships and a leader in design and construction projects and real estate litigation.
Our lawyers work closely with clients to understand their goals and business needs. We anticipate issues, overcome hurdles, minimize costs and risks, and expedite permits and approvals to close deals efficiently. Our clients rely on our decades of experience and impressive record for creative, effective representation.