What Will Philly Look Like in 20 Years?
Everything about Center City is in growth mode: population, jobs, office space, retail and restaurant locations, even outdoor cafes (if it's ever warm again). What will it take to keep it that way in the long term—till 2035? Come hear more about it on March 17 at our 4th annual Philadelphia Future of Center City at the Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia, starting 7:30am.

City of Philadelphia deputy mayor of economic development Alan Greenberger (snapped at a previous Bisnow event), who will be a speaker, tells us that the local economy is anchored by jobs in Center City, University City and the Navy Yard. The fundamentals are there: a diverse economy, access to talent, ease of connections nationally and internationally, urbanity and livability. "Building on those fundamentals, in the context of better schools and economic opportunity for all Philadelphians, will be key,” he says.

A hospitable business and development environment is also important. During Alan's tenure as deputy mayor, he's overseen the rewrite of the Philadelphia Zoning Code and the initiation of a five-year comprehensive plan for the city, Philadelphia 2035. Both initiatives are the first of their kind for the city in over 50 years.

Out-of-towners are also believers in City Center. Nashville-based Southern Land Co's second foray into Philadelphia is a high-visibility site on Rittenhouse Square, the last undeveloped parcel there, at 1907-1914 Walnut and 1906-1920 Sansom. Mixed-use is the thing to do with it, Southern Land CEO Tim Downey tells us. The company's mission is to "create beautiful communities," he says, focusing on residential development supported by retail, office and recreation projects that allow residents to live in "thoughtful communities that deliver long-term benefits for all involved, including our residents and neighbors." To hear more, please join us on March 17 for our 4th annual Philadelphia Future of Center City at the Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia, starting 7:30am. Sign up here!