MCS Snaps Up Value-Add Opportunity
Mica Creek-Sagamore Capital Partners has secured a Class-C apartment property with some outside money in anticipation of spiffing it up to a Class-B in an A location, the Camelback Corridor. (Don't ask them about it, though. It's rude to ask if someone is having work done... at least according to our aunt.)

It purchased the 415-unit The Colonade Apartments from Gelt for nearly $26M, or over $61k/unit. Cushman & Wakefield's Jim Crews, who brokered the sale along with colleague Brett Polachek (and is showing off his co-owned thoroughbred Husband's Folly, which won Del Mar last year), tells us MCS plans to push this into a real value-add opportunity given its location. In fact, some investors had the words "knock down" in their vocabulary when looking at the property, he says.