Terminal 1 Homeless Center Could Happen After All

The homeless multi-service center planned for Terminal 1, now up for sale, has been given a chance, albeit slim. The City of Portland has applied for a $100k grant to investigate its feasibility. Created by Metro, the Equitable Housing Planning and Development grant program will award a total of $500k to Oregon cities to cover costs of planning new affordable housing construction.
The City Council’s vote to submit the proposal was split. Commissioner Amanda Fritz said if Portland receives the grant, it would be “a waste of money” and Commissioner Nick Fish, who would have opposed the grant proposal, was absent. The Portland Housing Bureau says it’s a top priority despite the controversy in City Council, the Portland Tribune reports.
Portland submitted a second proposal with the City of Tigard to preserve affordable housing and encourage more construction in the Southwest Corridor. Metro has been looking into a high-capacity transit line that would run through that area. [PT]