Meet DeskHub: San Diego's Newest Coworking Space Provider
Co-working is expanding all across the country, and San Diego is no different. DeskHub CEO Jay Chernikoff is set to open a 14k SF space near San Diego Bay, where he expects entrepreneurs to flock.

Jay tells Bisnow the company is headed to 2171 India St, a two-story brick building within striking distance of San Diego International Airport. It's one of the next stops for the Arizona-based rent-by-the-desk office concept that is expanding coast-to-coast. Jay, the company's founder, says the space has the right vibe and will attract entrepreneurs. Here's everything you need to know about co-working.

Unlike other popular co-working spaces—like Regus—DeskHub offers a nearly completely open floor plan where tenants rent a dedicated desk. Jay says that's critical for his target demographic, which is looking to make real-life connections with people. “There is a big difference between being in someone's network on LinkedIn and being a connection to them in real life. We aren't interacting in person the way people previously did 15 or 20 years ago." Having an office with myriad companies, Jay says, leads to connections that can actually benefit business and lead to a positive ROI on office space. The office is expected to open in late April.