S.F. Pushes Density To Boost Affordable Housing
San Francisco has made amendments to its proposed Affordable Housing Bonus Program, which would increase building heights in certain parts of the city for projects that incorporate affordable housing.
The program could allow some buildings to grow by up to three stories higher than current zoning allows. Developers have been urged to consider pushing higher on some proposed projects. The Planning Commission does not expect to make a decision on the program for several months, SocketSite reports.
The program, if approved, could result in 16,000 new units of housing across the city in the next 20 years. Of those, 5,000 would be permanent, income-restricted units; 2,000 for very low, low and moderate income households; and 3,000 for middle-income households. Current zoning is likely to create fewer than 1,000 affordable units (and less than 7,500 units overall), according to the city planning department.
The program would only apply to new construction and could not be used to add new stories on existing structures beyond their current zoned height. It also may be amended to keep any project that demolishes existing rent-controlled housing from gaining any height bonus. [SS]