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NicholsBooth’s Office 2.0

San Francisco
NicholsBooth’s Office 2.0
NicholsBooth’s Office 2.0
NicholsBooth president and CEO Gary Nichols remembers a time when CEOs had no problem landing planes in their offices. It's good to be king, but no more showboating. He says working space is shrinking and it's not just a trend, it's a movement. What was once a behemoth private office now could be a dedicated conference room, or even two offices. These days, 135 SF per person could be a bit much. Gary sees ratios of conference rooms to people of about 1:8. What was once a $3,000 cube now costs maybe a grand, and the furniture that used to go into boss? private office is now down to a central table (this is green because less is being put into small spaces). NicholsBooth is big in commercial office (clients include Zynga, Brightroll, SCIF, and Zoosk) but is adding a focus on medical clinics (think Stanford Hospital & Clinics) which, like offices, are getting smaller and more accessible. For more info on our sponsor, click here.