Port Of San Francisco Seeking Developers To Help Rebuild Piers

The Port of San Francisco wants to work with developers or organizations to repair and redevelop the crumbling piers along the Embarcadero. The Port is focusing on Piers 19, 23, 29, 31, 26, 28, 38 and 40 that are vacant or are being used for parking, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Partnerships with developers at Pier 70 led to restoration of historic buildings and new development in the works.
The Port is hoping for creative concepts. Ideas will not be limited to trust-consistent uses, which typically do not allow housing or hotels and require that projects balance maritime with other uses such as restaurants, retail or office. Any ideas that are financially viable even if they are not trust-consistent will be considered.
Redevelopment along the Embarcadero has had mixed results. The Ferry Building, AT&T Park, Justin Herman Cruise Terminal at Pier 27 and the Exploratorium have drawn a great number of visitors, but other piers have not been so lucky.
A five-year plan to develop Pier 38 into office and retail was abandoned by TMG Partners and would have cost at least $20M to get the buildings repaired. Mills Corp. and Shorenstein Properties spent significant time and money toward a development on 19 acres at Piers 27-31, but neighborhood opposition killed these plans. Lendlease and the Golden State Warriors walked away from plans to renovate Piers 30-32 due to the $155M needed to renovate the piers and significant neighborhood opposition.