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What Chocolate's Got To Do With Transbay

San Francisco Office

Now that Skanska's two Liebherr LR1300 SX crawler cranes are going to be living at Transbay for the next year and a half, we thought it'd be a good time to get to know our new neighbors building the skeleton of Transbay Transit Center. The cranes will erect more than 22,000 tons of steel—about the same weight as 111 fully-assembled Boeing 747-400s. The heaviest "pick" for the cranes will be a 130,000-pound steel element (the weight of nearly two and a half BART cars).

The cranes will be assembled from more than 100 parts delivered to the site (the first arrivals started last week). With big numbers like these it's no wonder everyone's buzzing about what is destined to be Grand Central of the West.

Don't forget Bisnow's Transbay Boom! event Oct. 17, starting at 7:30am at the Hotel Nikko, where top names will discuss the revolutionary project. Register here.