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Over $1B In Initial Insured Losses Reported From Wine Country Fires

Homes destroyed in Santa Rosa during the October North Bay firestorm

The Wine Country fires have resulted in over $1B in damages, initial data from insurers reveals. Most of these claims are for homes, but commercial structures, personal and commercial vehicles and agricultural equipment also were destroyed or damaged, the East Bay Times reports. Property losses reported are expected to to rise as further damage is revealed.

As of Friday morning, CalFire estimates over 8,000 structures have been destroyed. The Tubbs fire, which has burned over 36,000 acres in Sonoma and Napa counties, broke the record as the most destructive fire in California’s history, according to CalFire. That fire is 93% contained and has destroyed at least 5,300 structures. The second most destructive fire occurred in 1991 in the Oakland Hills, claiming 2,900 structures.

The Atlas Fire in Napa and Solano counties has burned over 51,000 acres and is 87% contained. It destroyed over 700 structures. The Nuns fire, which has burned over 54,000 acres, is 85% contained and has destroyed about 1,200 structures. At least 42 people died during the Wine Country fires.

As of Friday morning, only 15,000 people remain evacuated from wildfires burning in Northern California. At one point, 100,000 were forced to evacuate.