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Big Ideas on Transportation

Big Ideas on Transportation
Seattle city planning director Marshall Foster and Touchstone VP A-P Hurd at the Four Seasons hotel.
Transit was the issue of the day at NAIOP's monthly breakfast yesterday at the Four Seasons. City planning director Marshall Foster and Touchstone VP A-P Hurd put forward a number of big ideas about transportation investments and the future of development in the city. The to-do list: Make investments where the market is truly ready to respond (South Lake Union, yes; Rainier Valley, no), focus on access and not just mobility, optimize across modes, and build mechanisms for funding.
The Columbia City light rail station.
Marshall predicts building around transit is going to be one of the big ideas of the next few years, and pinpoints the Mt. Rainier light rail station as one place with opportunity. (We chose to show the Columbia City station above, mainly because it has a pretty mountain in the background). A-P likens the work of different developers to people all cooking delicious meals for a potluck: As good as they are individually, it's questionable they'll all be as good when put together. The solution: "The people cooking the meal need to get together and do something really amazing," she says. (Whichever developer is only building libraries... you're the Brussels sprouts.)
Related Topics: Columbia City, Marshall Foster