AY Bulks Up Advisory Team

AY-ers just welcomed Rodney McDonald as SVP of consulting and advisory services. Rodney's broad role is to consult and advise clients on long-term real estate strategy and implementation. Sustainability will key to what he works into AY's services; based out of the company's global HQ in Downtown Toronto, he can see and feel the benefits: "I am sitting in an office with a raised floor providing fresh air continuously, in a new LEED Gold building, close to Union Station, so I can take the subway to work everyday."

He sees the same looking out his window at Toronto's financial district, with new and existing LEED certified buildings. "It's everywhere." His green building and energy efficiency expertise goes back to his being founding chair of the Manitoba Chapter of the Canada Green Building Council. Pictured: the LEED certified Royal Bank Plaza, reminding us, in its own subtle way, of our own insignificance.