Green Infrastructure
Greenbuilding has nearly reached "the norm" status, soGreen Roofs for Healthy Cities is aimed at lifting the discussion even further. The conference will be held May 21-22 at Evergreen Brick Works (above).The objective is to engage participants to think about creative ways when talking about things like project design. Topics will include specifics likegreen roofsbut will expand more into green infrastructure, focusing on the economics of urban agriculture, green walls, water management, and engineered soils.
Craig Applegath, of the design firm Dialog (and one of the presenters), says "We are looking at changing paradigms, from being a parasitic species to a symbiotic species. How do we live on the planet in a way where we dont destroy it? Cities are actually the solution, not the problem. Cities have a much lower per capita environmental footprint than any other way of inhabiting." (This is a big day for us: The first time we've been called parasitic outside of a family gathering.)