Will Walmart Box In Locals?

RioCansplan to build athree-storey retail complexon the old Kromer Radio site on Bathurst Street has some city politicians and local residents perturbed.
The main source of their irritation? The plan calls for Walmart as the anchor tenant. Many people hear Walmart and think big box, mega-retail Death Star laser beaming all the local retailers within close proximity. That includes the kind folks in Kensington Market.But RioCan CEOEd Sonshinesay the project will provideinexpensive goodsfor people in the area who live on limited means. It will be competition for Honest Eds, just north on Bloor Street.
The 125k SF project will not be the big box variety at all, Ed says, and will be built in a way that melds with the neighbourhood and downtown core in general. Walmart would be on the upper two floors. It will be nothing like the suburban 200k SF superstores, Ed tells us. He adds, Choosing who is a permitted tenant is a slippery slope. Whats next? What kind of food can be served in a restaurant?