What You Don't Know About Precise Capital Management's Daniel Gryfe
Daniel Gryfe was poised to be the fourth generation of his family to run their legendary, 103-year-old Toronto bagel biz. But for this “deal junkie,” real estate has proven even more irresistible than delicious baked dough.

In just six years, Daniel, 32, has built a real estate investment firm that went from owning a single six-plex in Toronto to being involved in half a billion dollars in deals, including the purchase in 2011 of a $40M portfolio of mixed-use properties in the GTA. Precise Capital Management continues to acquire multifamily residential properties in Toronto, and Daniel says he’s working on deals in New York, including a mixed-use, rent-stabilized apartment building and storefront in Upper Manhattan. He's also pursuing a billion-dollar US property portfolio.

Born and raised in Toronto, Daniel graduated from Yeshiva University in New York with a bachelor’s degree in business management and corporate finance. He met his wife, Dena, pictured, in New York and has lived there off and on over the past decade. Daniel did a stint in investment banking out of school and also worked a while for the family biz, running Gryfe’s Bagel Bakery’s wholesale distribution operation, which he grew to over 500 stores in the US.
What You Don't Know About Daniel Gryfe
First-ever job: Working with my father at 3 a.m. in our bagel bakery.
Greatest fear: Losing my stellar reputation. Having a family name that’s been known for honesty and quality for 100-plus years, and keeping that tradition alive.
Best advice you’ve received: Stay focused, work hard, and have lots of luck.
Person (living or dead) you'd want to meet: I’ve met anybody I’ve wanted to meet, or called anybody I’ve wanted to speak to.
Daily ritual: Prayer three times a day.
Favourite book: Make Your Own Luck
Favourite movies: Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street — any of the movies that are cynical but truthful about today’s economy.
Favourite vacation spot: Ocean Club, Bahamas. Also love going to Israel (where he's pictured above).
Favourite restaurant: Prime Grill in New York; they have great sushi and kosher steak.
Favourite bagel: Gryfe’s. If I said anything else it’d be sacrilege.
Hobbies: Watch collection, art collection, Scotch collection, car collection (love my new 2014 Bentley GTC)