PATH Bridge Goes Up Without A Hitch
The super cool PATH bridge we told you about last week was installed successfully Saturday night. The glass walkway’s designer, WZMH Architects principal John White, tells us the job—connecting Air Canada Centre to new South Core office development One York Street underneath the Gardiner—went “very smoothly.” The bridge section, the second of three, was raised into place by hydraulic jacks, some mounted on a flatbed truck (above).

The super cool PATH bridge we told you about last week was installed successfully Saturday night. The glass walkway’s designer, WZMH Architects principal John White, tells us the job—connecting Air Canada Centre to new South Core office development One York Street underneath the Gardiner— went “very smoothly.” He notes the bridge section, the second of three, was raised into place by hydraulic jacks, some mounted on the flatbed truck that delivered it (as seen above).

John says it took a while to get the piece into position, but only 15 minutes to raise it up into place, resting a mere 8 inches under the Gardiner. When the third section goes up next month, the PATH bridge will connect One York with RBC Waterpark Place III, owned by Oxford Propeties Group, which paid for the project in order to secure RBC's tenancy at the 1M SF complex. More symbolically, the bridge represents the first official link between the city's old financial core with its burgeoning new one.