How Oxford Got Tenants To Ditch Space Heaters

Oxford Properties is getting props from BC Hydro for convincing occupants at its Vancouver buildings to get rid of energy-hogging space heaters. A post on BC Hydro’s website highlights Oxford’s efforts to remove 59 of the 274 space heaters from four downtown towers: 401 West Georgia St, Guinness Tower (seen above), Oceanic Plaza and Marine Building. An additional 25 heaters were replaced with energy-efficient alternatives. A space heater audit of Oxford's buildings revealed hundreds of devices being used, with some left on overnight, eating up energy and posing a risk.

Rather than outlaw space heaters outright, Oxford took a more enlightened approach. It coached building operators on how to talk to occupants about parting with space heaters, training that included use of speaking notes and role-playing. The result: building operators were able to have meaningful conversations with occupants about energy conservation, says TurnLeaf Consulting principal Jennifer Davis, who worked with Oxford on the initiative, adding the landlord is building a “culture of conservation” at its properties.